The Distorted Poet's Web Links
the distorted poet
All writing on this site is the © of Michael G. Stone. Please do not copy, reprint, or reproduce in any form without express written permission from Michael or his Representatives. Thank you for understanding.
LINKS to Michael's pages including Facebook and Blogs can be viewed by clicking the links below:
Purchase Michael G. Stone's Books
The Distorted Poet Promotional Poster 2012 version
This promotional poster is to help spread the word and to find new individuals that would have an interest in my work. Unfortunately, I don’t spend 1 Million Plus to marketing firms so they can create such things for me. However, I know if you are willing to help out, this is how you can.
1. Print this Poster below onto your computer.
2. Go to Kinko’s Fed Ex, or any other printing press/stationary/legal printing shop and create a laminated poster board size.
3. Go to your local college and post them on where bills (posters likes this one) or fliers are available to be posted.
4. Ask local Coffee shops, Book stores if you can display the poster.
5. The Poster is self explanatory and can only be used with a smart phone
(iPhone, Blackberry, GooglePhone, etc.)
Thanks a bunch for spreading the word. And thank you for being a reader.
Thank you kindly for being a reader and best in life always!
-Michael G. Stone 2010